Home > Nothing To See Here: Trump's Case Of COVID-19 Sends Campaign Into A Fever

Nothing To See Here: Trump's Case Of COVID-19 Sends Campaign Into A Fever


For President Donald Trump, a positive diagnosis for COVID-19 couldn't have come at a worse time. Aside from the very serious risk to his health, focusing the nation's attention on the pandemic is the last thing the Trump campaign wants to do. As Trump has now been hospitalized, he's all but powerless to reset his reelection campaign around issues like the Supreme Court and the economy. Some world leaders, like British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, saw a bump in approval from the public following a coronavirus diagnosis. However, it's highly unlikely Trump will receive such grace. He mocked opponent Hillary Clinton in 2016 for contracting pneumonia. He has also jeered at Vice President Joe Biden numerous times for wearing masks and scrupulously observing public health recommendations.

Added on the 02/10/2020 19:19:52 - Copyright : Wochit

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