Home > VR Flying Simulator 'Birdly' Lets You Fly Like a Bird Between NYC Skyscrapers

VR Flying Simulator 'Birdly' Lets You Fly Like a Bird Between NYC Skyscrapers


It's been a dream of humans to fly through the sky at least since the time of Leonardo Da Vinci. Although we now have jetpacks and wingsuits, there wasn't a way for us to experience the sensation of flying between skyscrapers until now. This is Birdly, a virtual reality flying simulator that, unlike Red Bull, actually gives you wings. People were seen flapping virtual wings on Birdly at the 2017 SXSW festival on Wednesday. Birdly, the full-body virtual reality flying simulator, combines VR, music, and a wind generator to create the sensation of flying. Users flat their arms on the machine to flap wings in the simulation and generate lift. The idea for Birdly was conceived for a research project at the Zurich University of the Arts in 2013 and it was brought out onto the market in December 2015. How would you like to be free as a bird?

Added on the 16/03/2017 19:13:33 - Copyright : RT Ruptly EN

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