Home > Indigenous communities protest in Brazil against a law that authorizes mining on their land

Indigenous communities protest in Brazil against a law that authorizes mining on their land


Brasilia, Feb 12 (EFE) .- Half a hundred indigenous people from different ethnic groups in Brazil protested on Wednesday against a bill presented by President Jair Bolsonaro which authorizes commercial mining in protected lands, a measure they consider the "worst of their nightmares".(CAMERA: Alex Mirkhan)SUPPORT IMAGES AND TRANSLATED DECLARATIONS BYJOENIA WAPICHANA, INDIGENOUS FEDERAL DEPUTY:"President Bolsonaro again wants to threaten indigenous lands and natural resources. Indigenous peoples want to raise this concern, asking the national congress to reject it due to the unconstitutionality and absurdities that this proposal brings"INGATÉ, KAINGANG INDIGENOUS:"He (Bolsonaro) is aware of what he is doing and does it out of spite. We have the right to our land. The land has always been ours, it has only been invaded, so we want to live well with the people who were born in this mother Earth"

Added on the 12/02/2020 13:00:00 - Copyright : EFE Inglés

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