Home > Russia marks 20th anniversary of first long-duration stay on the ISS

Russia marks 20th anniversary of first long-duration stay on the ISS


Moscow, Oct 1 (EFE), (Camera: Fernando Salcines).- "It seems like yesterday," tells Sergei Krikaliov, a member of the Expedition 1 crew, which completed the first long-duration stay on the International Space Station (ISS) 20 years ago.FOOTAGE OF TEH MUSEUM OF COSMONAUTICS IN MOSCOW.SOUNDBITES OF Sergei Krikalev, COSMONAUT MEMBER OF EXPEDITION 1 CREW:1.- This flight was a very intense experience in our lives, it really left us an incredible impression, which was deeply engraved on our memory. We remember even the smallest detail. How we got there, how we worked.2- We learn to work together every day. And that's not always easy, but I think the main result is that we find ways for joint cooperation. Despite the fact that there are always divergences and friction, we always find compromises and consensus.INCLUDES FOOTAGE COURTESY OF ROSCOSMOS.

Added on the 31/10/2020 13:00:00 - Copyright : EFE Inglés

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