Home > Sanders Blasts Trump's 'Unbelievably Cruel' Refusal To Sign Relief Bill

Sanders Blasts Trump's 'Unbelievably Cruel' Refusal To Sign Relief Bill


Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders had harsh words on Sunday for President Donald Trump, saying Trump was 'unbelievably cruel.' Business Insider reports Sanders was irate at Trump for not signing the coronavirus relief package and blocking unemployment benefits. You can't diddle around with the bill. Sign the bill, Mr. President, and then...we can pass a $2,000 direct payment for the working families of this country. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) Interview, ABC's 'This Week' Trump rejected the $900 billion coronavirus relief package that Republican and Democrat lawmakers had finally reached a consensus on last week. As Trump refused to sign the bill before the end of Saturday, millions of Americans have lost at least one week of unemployment benefits.

Added on the 27/12/2020 17:47:33 - Copyright : Wochit

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