Home > John Bolton On Trump's Defense Bill Veto: 'For God's Sakes, Get Out Of The Way'

John Bolton On Trump's Defense Bill Veto: 'For God's Sakes, Get Out Of The Way'


Former national security adviser John Bolton didn't mince words after US President Donald Trump vetoed the annual bill to fund the US military. Trump's chief complaint with the bill is that it called for the renaming of military bases named after Confederate military figures. The must-pass, $741 billion bill was passed with widespread bipartisan support. According to Business Insider, Bolton told Trump to 'get out of the way,' and said Trump was 'not a conservative.' Trump's former national security adviser also described Trump's 'destructive' veto as a 'purely gratuitous action' and 'selfish.' There's very little you can do to repair your reputation, but for God's sakes, get out of the way of the national security of the US and get out of the way of our efforts to overcome the pandemic. John Bolton Former National Security Adviser, Trump Administration

Added on the 24/12/2020 16:47:28 - Copyright : Wochit

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