Home > India's daily COVID-19 figures slow down as it adds 211,000 cases in last 24 hours

India's daily COVID-19 figures slow down as it adds 211,000 cases in last 24 hours


Mumbai / Bangalore / Kolkata, May 27 (EFE/EPA).-India on Thursday added more than 211,000 new coronavirus infections, while Covid-19 deaths rose by over 3,800.The new figures indicate that the decline in the daily coronavirus figures has slowed down in the country with an overall caseload at 27.37 million, while total fatalities are at 315,235.However, it appears that the second wave peak of more than 400,000 daily infections is already over even Tamil Nadu in the south and Maharashtra in the west continue to report a large number of cases and fatalities every day. (Camera: ARCHIVE).ARCHIVE FOOTAGE OF COVID-19 SITUATION IN INDIA.

Added on the 27/05/2021 14:00:00 - Copyright : EFE Inglés

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