Home > Japan extends COVID-19 health emergency in 9 prefectures to Jun. 20

Japan extends COVID-19 health emergency in 9 prefectures to Jun. 20


Tokyo, May 28 (EFE/EPA).- The government of Japan on Friday decided to extend the coronavirus health emergency in Tokyo and eight other regions, as the number of infections and pressure on the health system continue to remain high.The health emergency, in effect in Tokyo since late April and later expanded to other regions, had already been extended once to May 31 and will now remain in place until Jun. 20, just over a month before the inauguration of the Tokyo Olympics. (Camera: KIMIMASA MAYAMA).B-ROLL OF THE STREETS IN TOKYO, JAPAN.

Added on the 28/05/2021 14:00:00 - Copyright : EFE Inglés

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