Home > Two endangered tapirs born at Nicaragua zoo

Two endangered tapirs born at Nicaragua zoo


Masaya, May 1 (EFE).- Two endangered tapirs were born hours apart at the National Zoo of Nicaragua, in the department of Masaya, south of Managua, the center reported.A male and a female, still unnamed, were born at dawn on Friday and Saturday in perfect health, the director of that center, Eduardo Sacasa, told EFE.The births in captivity occurs within the framework of a project that seeks to conserve this species, endangered due to the destruction of its habitat and uncontrolled hunting, explained the expert on exotic animals. (Camera: RENEE LUCIA RAMOS). SHOT LIST: A PAIR OF ENDANGERED TAPIRS, AT THE NATIONAL ZOO, IN MASAYA, NICARAGUA.

Added on the 02/05/2021 14:00:00 - Copyright : EFE Inglés

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