Home > Thousands Evacuated as Record Floods Hit California

Thousands Evacuated as Record Floods Hit California


Thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes in central California after heavy flooding caused by seven days of record amounts of rainfall and major storms. Ruptly received drone footage from Hollister, California from Thursday showing just how widespread and dangerous the effects of this unexpectedly huge amount of precipation have become. The rainfall comes amid a serious water crisis - the Golden State has experienced six straight years of drought, which have caused many acquifers and reservoirs to dry up across the state. However, despite warnings issued by the National Weather Service to residents saying that rivers will continue to overflow as ore rainfall is forecast for the coming days, this rare period of intense precipation may not significantly alleviate the water burden caused by the drought.

Added on the 13/01/2017 18:25:02 - Copyright : RT Ruptly EN

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