Home > Paris candidate Benjamin Griveaux withdraws from race due to sex scandal

Paris candidate Benjamin Griveaux withdraws from race due to sex scandal


Paris, Feb 14 (EFE) .- (Camera: Marta Garde) Benjamin Griveaux, the candidate with whom the president of France, Emmanuel Macron, aspired to win Paris' municipal elections, announced his withdrawal on Friday only a day after presenting his project, after an alleged sex video of his was made public. FOOTAGE OF GRIVEAUX DURING HIS PROJECT PRESENTATION.SOUNDBITES OF GRIVEAUX.Translation:1. In a city like Paris, the question is not whether the mayor is socialist or right-wing, but if he is the mayor of all Parisians. 2. In Paris, 'at the same time' has its place because there are both very rich and very poor neighbourhoods, both security and ecology problems. Security does not belong to the right-wing nor ecology to the left-wing.3. Obviously, there is symbolism, it is the capital, but I am convinced that these elections are for La République En Marche!, the chance to show that we are able to provide concrete solutions throughout France.4. We will be the candidates of the solutions, not the candidates of the parties, of ideologies, but truly the candidates of the solutions, and I believe that the French want their political leaders to provide solutions rather than ideologies.5. Macron, President of the Republic, faces things and leaves no responsibilities to future generations. I think that has been the biggest change compared to his predecessors and I am very proud.

Added on the 14/02/2020 13:00:00 - Copyright : EFE Inglés

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