Home > Traditional chinese medicine clinics reopen in Singapore as gov't eases lockdown

Traditional chinese medicine clinics reopen in Singapore as gov't eases lockdown


Singapore, May 6, (EFE/EPA).- Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) clinics and pharmacies reopened on Wednesday as Singapore has started easing the COVID-19 lockdown measures Registered TCM physicians can provide acupuncture treatment for pain management, and affiliated retail TCM halls are allowed to sell products. Other TCM treatments like moxibustion, guasha, cupping, and tuina are still not allowed to resume operations yet while practitioners have to take extra precautions to disinfect their premises daily and treat patients only by appointment. (Camera: HOW HWEE YOUNG).FOOTAGE SHOWS A CHINESE TRADITIONAL MEDICINE CLINIC ON ITS FIRST DAY OF REOPENNING IN SINGAPORE.

Added on the 06/05/2020 14:00:00 - Copyright : EFE Inglés

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