Home > People protest against Congress's decision to remove Vizcarra from office

People protest against Congress's decision to remove Vizcarra from office


Lima, Nov 9 (EFE).- People in Peru's capital gathered Monday night to protest against the Congress's decision to remove President Martin Vizcarra from the office over the corruption allegations.Earlier, with 105 votes in favor, the so-called "vacancy motion" brought against the president due to accusations that he committed acts of corruption when he was governor of the southern province of Moquegua (2011-2014), exceeded the number required by the constitution (87 out of 130 members) and automatically paved the way to strip Vizcarra of the presidency.The Peruvian president announced later that he accepted the decision of Congress that voted for his ouster and that he will immediately leave Government Palace. (Camera: MIKHAIL HUACAN).SHOT LIST: PEOPLE GATHER TO PROTEST AGAINST THE CONGRESS'S DECISION TO OUST PRESIDENT MARTIN VIZCARRA IN LIMA, PERU.

Added on the 10/11/2020 13:00:00 - Copyright : EFE Inglés

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