Home > Tokyo registers new record of 463 COVID-19 cases, prepares its own CDC

Tokyo registers new record of 463 COVID-19 cases, prepares its own CDC


Tokyo, Jul 31 (EFE).- Tokyo registered Friday a new record of 463 daily coronavirus cases, exceeding 400 cases for the first time since the country began to be affected by the pandemic in January, and announced the establishment of its own Center for Disease Control (CDC).The spread of the virus in the capital is at its worst level and so is the response capacity of the health system, Tokyo governor Yuriko Koike said at a Friday press conference in which she announced the figure.The record comes after the capital registered another daily high Thursday and Koike urged nightclubs, karaokes and restaurants to reduce their operating hours, a request she reiterated Friday.(Camera: FRANCK ROBICHON)FOOTAGE SHOWS B-ROLL OF THE STREETS AND MARKET INDICATORS OF THE TOKYO EXCHANGE IN TOKYO, JAPAN.

Added on the 31/07/2020 14:00:00 - Copyright : EFE Inglés

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