Home > Pandemic Survival Guide: How To Deal When Work Is Grinding You Into Dust

Pandemic Survival Guide: How To Deal When Work Is Grinding You Into Dust


When work is overwhelming, it's tempting to berate yourself for not getting more done when you're off the clock. But according to Business Insider, psychotherapist Amy Morin says for many people, the secret to happiness isn't doing more--it's simplifying, and doing less. To give yourself the rest and peace you need to deal with a demanding job, start by decluttering your calendar, your obligations, and your environment. Cease unnecessary activities that sap your physical or emotional strength. Declutter your home so it's easy to find things, and fix or replace what's broken. Set up automatic habits that support you in health and reduce decision fatigue. Finally, eliminate everything in your environment that tempts you in ways you don't want to be tempted!

Added on the 10/10/2020 17:23:08 - Copyright : Wochit

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