Home > Fernanda Kanno: "I appreciate being the first Peruvian woman who ran the Dakar"

Fernanda Kanno: "I appreciate being the first Peruvian woman who ran the Dakar"


Lima, Dec 16 (EFE) .- Fernanda Kanno, the first Peruvian woman to run and finish the Dakar, will be the only female representative of the Americas at the premiere of the toughest rally in the world, in Saudi Arabia, a country where only a year and a half ago women were forbidden to drive.(CAMARA: Mikhail Huacan)SOUNDBITES: FERNANDA KANNOTRANSLATION"This adventure of running the Dakar, for me, does not happen so much for the fact of being a woman, but for the fact of being a person like any other who fulfills her dreams. I really appreciate being the first Peruvian woman who runs the Dakar, the first Peruvian woman who finished it, and that many women say: 'OK, we are achieving things, we will be united, if Fernanda can then many women can achieve things that were always denied to us or that we always thought that were not possible, but I hope the world one day will be so beautiful that we will stop talking about men and women and just talk about people. Everyone’s goal I think should be that, instead of highlighting things because of the fact that I’m a woman, highlight things by the fact that we are people with big dreams, but that can be fulfilled "

Added on the 16/12/2019 13:00:00 - Copyright : EFE Inglés

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