Added on the 29/11/2020 17:36:17 - Copyright : Wochit
Afghan girls, back in class for the first time since the Taliban seized power in August last year, had to pack up their belongings and file out of their schools. The Taliban ordered secondary girls schools in Afghanistan to shut just hours after they reopened, an official confirmed, sparking confusion over the policy reversal by the hardline Islamist group. IMAGES
Cafes start serving customers for limited hours outside in The Hague again, as the Dutch government eases anti-coronavirus restrictions. IMAGES
Portugal rolls back coronavirus measures, including reopening shopping centres, high schools and universities and allowing indoor dining, after new infections eased off. IMAGES
New Yorkers wait in line at a Covid-19 testing site in Queens as the city shutters its school following an increase in coronavirus cases. IMAGES
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo visits the Grand Central subway station as the US COVID-19 epicenter starts its first phase of reopening. IMAGES
In an address to the nation, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe announces that French schools will gradually reopen from May 11 "on a voluntary basis", with a decision on high schools due at the end of May. (COMPLETES VIDI1QV3PB_EN, VIDI1QV3YJ_EN, VIDI1QV45Y_EN, VIDI1QV484_EN, VIDI1QV493_EN) SOUNDBITE