Home > Love brought an Italian-Colombian woman to live among Maasai

Love brought an Italian-Colombian woman to live among Maasai


Nairobi, March 12 (EFE / EPA) .- (Camera: Daniel Irungu) The life of the Italian-Colombian Gaia Dominici, 28, changed radically when she fell in love with Ntoyiai, a Maasai warrior with whom she lives in the Rift Valley in Kenya and father of her daughter, Lily Rose, just one and a half years old.FOOTAGE OF GAIA DOMINICI AND HER PARTNER, A MAASAI WARRIORSOUNDBITES OF DOMINICITRANSLATION "I first came in 2014, I came to my university, I had to do a job as a photographer. I was working in Nairobi, in the suburbs, documenting stories, and I felt like I needed to take a break from that job. From then on, he suggested that I come to Maasai land. "

Added on the 12/03/2021 13:00:00 - Copyright : EFE Inglés

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