Home > Protesters accuse police of 'massacre, executions' in Rio de Janeiro

Protesters accuse police of 'massacre, executions' in Rio de Janeiro


Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), May 7 (EFE).- (Camera: Janaína Quinet) Residents of the Jacarezinho favela have accused Civil Police in the Brazilian state Rio de Janeiro of carrying out a “massacre” during a raid on the settlement that left 24 suspects and one police officer dead. “This was not an intelligence operation, it was a total massacre that forms part of the genocide underway in our country, and especially in our state,” Giovanna Almeida, a 22-year-old student, told Efe during a protest outside the Civil Police station. FOOTAGE OF A PROTEST IN FRON OD THE CIVIL POLICE FACILITIES IN RIO DE JANEIRO.SOUNDBITES AND TRANSLATIONS OF:MILENA SANTOS:"As a Carioca, woman, young, black and favela resident, my feeling is of repudiation, of sadness. It was the lives of 25 young people. Suspicious or not, people do not have to be murdered. These are crimes, it is state violence.""People died sitting down, they died inside houses. The images show the truth and from the direction of the blood you can see there was no exchange of shots. It was an execution, it was murder."GIOVANA ALMEIDA:“This was not an intelligence operation, it was a total massacre that forms part of the genocide underway in our country, and especially in our state.”

Added on the 07/05/2021 14:00:00 - Copyright : EFE Inglés

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