Home > Communist Party-themed complex opens in Yan'an city

Communist Party-themed complex opens in Yan'an city


Yan'an, Jun 12 (EFE/EPA).- China's Wanda Group on the occasion of the centenary anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) opened Saturday the Comunist Party-themed complex.The red-themed complex of 1.28 square kilometers in size has a Red Street, shops, restaurants, galleries, hotels, a theatre, and a lake, among other facilities, which were built in the revolution period style. Being China's Communist Party revolutionary birthplace, Yan'an city is one of the most famous places for millions of people doing 'Red Tourism,' which focuses on the historically important locations for the Communist Party, battlefield sites, and residences of important past communist leaders. (Camera: ROMAN PILIPEY).SHOT LIST: PEOPLE VISIT THE COMUNIST PARTY-THEMED COMPLEX IN YAN'AN CITY, CHINA.

Added on the 13/06/2021 14:00:00 - Copyright : EFE Inglés

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