Home > Kenyan startup company offers carwash services in the comfort of clients' home

Kenyan startup company offers carwash services in the comfort of clients' home


Nairobi, Jun 19 (EFE/EPA).- "Wash Me Please," a Kenyan startup company offers mobile carwash services at the comfort of the client's home or workplace as a way of helping fighting Covid-19.Wash Me Please is a car detailing and carwash company which was started in the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. It offers mobile carwash services to its clients at the comfort of their homes or work places through a mobile app that clients use to request for the services, which has offered safe space for women who normally fear taking their cars to the carwash and also helped in the fight against COVID-19 by bringing the services to the clients homes, thus saving them the time and risks when going to the conventional carwash joints that are usually crowded to get the same services. According to the founders of the company, also the use of online app and their electric tuk tuk has helped in reducing the carbon footprints and reducing noise pollution thus offering clean and safe environment when serving their clients. (Camera: DANIEL IRUNGU). SHOT LIST: WASH ME PLEASE MOBILE CARWASH STAFF USE A CARWASH MACHINE INSTALLED INTO AN ELECTRIC TUK TUK (THREE-WHEELED MOTORIZED RICKSHAW) TO CLEAN A CAR AT A CLIENT'S HOME IN KIAMBU, KENYA. SOUND BITES: TWO CLIENTS OF WASH ME PLEASE; CHRIS, A WASH ME PLEASE STAFF; AND KEVIN, CO-FOUNDER OF WASH ME PLEASE (IN ENGLISH).

Added on the 19/06/2021 14:00:00 - Copyright : EFE Inglés

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