Added on the 12/01/2023 05:33:08 - Copyright : Auto Moto EN
“Wicked” director Jon M. Chu talks about the impact of sound design with live singing on set #wicked #wickedmovie #wickedmusical #jonmchu #elphaba #glinda #popular #arianagrande #sounddesign #soundmix #movies #celebrityinterviews
“Wicked” director Jon M. Chu talks about the importance of sound design and how much went into one of the film’s most emotional scenes #wicked #wickedmovie #wickedmusical #jonmchu #dancingthroughlife #ozdustballroom #elphaba #glinda #sounddesign #soundmix #movies #celebrityinterviews
Zoë Kravitz on finding that unsettling vape noise she used in “Blink Twice” and the importance of sound design in movies #zoekravitz #zoëkravitz #blinktwicemovie #blinktwice #sounddesign #movies #celebrityinterviews
Images outside Trump Tower in New York where the former US president is set to address reporters a day after he was found guilty on 34 counts in his hush money trial. IMAGES
Images from outside a police station in the 13th arrondissement of Paris, after a man seized a weapon and shot and seriously wounded two officers, a source close to the case told AFP. IMAGES
Dans ce monde, humains et androïdes cohabitent. Mais si tout semble bien se passer en apparence, en coulisses, les choses sont très différentes. Rouge et sa partenaire Naomi en savent quelque chose : elles ont pour mission d'assassiner neuf androïdes résidant sur Mars et opposés au gouvernement.