Home > Faithful Peruvians honor Lord of Miracles image as traditional procession canceled

Faithful Peruvians honor Lord of Miracles image as traditional procession canceled


Lima, Oct 18 (EFE).- Worshippers on Monday visited the Sanctuary and Monastery of Las Nazarenas in downtown Lima to honor the 'Lord of Miracles,' the most venerated religious image in Peru. The country's most popular Roman Catholic procession, the Lord of Miracles, has been canceled for the second straight year due to the pandemic. As tradition has it, the image of the Lord of Miracles was painted around 1651 by an Angolan slave on an adobe wall outside the capital of the Viceroyalty of Peru.When in 1655 an earthquake destroyed much of the cities of Lima and Callao, the wall on which the image of Christ was painted was left standing, and as a result, local inhabitants began to see the image as capable of miracles. (Camera: MIKHAIL HUACAN). SHOT LIST: DEVOTEES PRAY IN FRONT OF THE IMAGE OF THE 'LORD OF MIRACLES', IN THE CHURCH OF LAS NAZARENAS IN LIMA, PERU.

Added on the 19/10/2021 14:00:00 - Copyright : EFE Inglés

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