Home > Perovskite Solar Panels Have Potential to Make Solar Energy 10x Cheaper

Perovskite Solar Panels Have Potential to Make Solar Energy 10x Cheaper


Scientists at Moscow's Skoltech may have found a way to dramatically reduce solar energy costs by making solar panels with a new inorganic super-efficient material called Perovskite. Perovskite is the name given to Calcium Titanate, a rare mineral found in the Earth's mantle and named after Russian mineralogist Lev Perovski. In 2009, researchers discovered that Perovskite can efficiently convert the energy of visible light into electricity, and experiments on using the material in solar panels began. Now, a new and improved Perovskite solar panel is just about ready to hit markets.

Added on the 18/07/2017 18:44:34 - Copyright : RT Ruptly EN

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