Home > Man Spends 5 Days Underwater for Zero Gravity Research Experiment

Man Spends 5 Days Underwater for Zero Gravity Research Experiment


This man is Pavel Yusov, and he's spent the last five days suspended in water with his body wrapped in a waterproof suit. It's all part of an experiment called 'dry immersion' and the main goal of the project is to find out more about the effects of zero gravity on the human body. Scientists from Moscow's Institute of Medical and Biological Problems measure the physiological effects of microgravity after five days, conductin a full medical examination on the subject, similar to the checkups on cosmonauts and astronauts after they return from space. Even short exposure to microgravity causes the human body to lose muscle tone and decreases the ability to operate in earth gravity, but dry immersion experiments hope to help space travelers overcome these effects.

Added on the 04/11/2016 18:48:33 - Copyright : RT Ruptly EN

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