Home > Doctor Transplants Ear onto Patient's Arm Using Breakthrough Techniques

Doctor Transplants Ear onto Patient's Arm Using Breakthrough Techniques


Yes, this is a human ear growing on a human arm. Plastic surgeon Guo Shuzhong conducted one of the world's first successful ear to arm transplant operations on Wednesday, giving his patient the hope that he will be able to hear again from an ear made of his own flesh. His patient, Mr. Ji, lost his ear in the traffic accident and felt 'incomplete'. Due to the tree-step operation, he may be able to hear again with an artificial one, if it can be successfully re-attached to his head. The ear was made out of the patient's rib cartilage and then planted on his right arm at a hospital in Xi'an, China. It may be only 4 months before Mr. Ji has his ear again.

Added on the 11/11/2016 18:23:50 - Copyright : RT Ruptly EN

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