Home > Experts discuss the challenge of reopening New York City

Experts discuss the challenge of reopening New York City


New York (US), May 12 (EFE) - A dense population, skyscrapers, the subway, crowded restaurants, all are part of New York's identity, but also its main challenges to recover its activity. FOOTAGE OF SOCIOLOGIST LISANDRO PÉREZ, A PROFESSOR AT CUNY UNIVERSITY, AND JEFF SCHLEGELMILCH, DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR DISASTER PREPAREDNESS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF COLUMBIA SPEAKING TO EFE. SOCIOLOGIST LISANDRO PÉREZ TRANSLATION: "Density is the key to understanding how New York works, which is why there are 27,000 restaurants and 10,000 bars, and that is sustained by precisely that density. On any normal night before the pandemic, the city had its theaters full, its restaurants full, 40,000 people in Yankee Stadium watching a baseball game."

Added on the 12/05/2020 14:00:00 - Copyright : EFE Inglés

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