Home > Volkswagen ID.3 - Exterior Design

Volkswagen ID.3 - Exterior Design


The ID.3 from Volkswagen opens a new era of climate-friendly mobility. This first model from the ID. series features carbon-neutrality, the impressive driving dynamics that are characteristic of electric cars, and full connectivity. Like all future ID. models, the ID.3 is based on the new modular electric drive matrix (MEB), which has been designed for an electric drive system without compromise.The ID.3 flaunts the newly developed design DNA that makes it immediately identifiable as a zero emission vehicle. Designed for an electrifying future, it brings a new level of design quality to the compact vehicle category. “With the ID.3, Volkswagen is heading towards the future,” explains Klaus Bischoff, Head of Design of the Volkswagen brand, going on to emphasise: “The natural style and absolutely intuitive driver experience demonstrate a new, electric way of thinking.”

Added on the 10/09/2019 16:01:59 - Copyright : Auto Moto EN

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