Home > Japanese cafe run by robots to help people with reduced disability

Japanese cafe run by robots to help people with reduced disability


Tokyo, Jul 2 (EFE/EPA).- Years away from the classrooms due to fragile health motivated the Japanese Kentaro Yoshifuji to create the DAWN ver.ß cafeteria, a place run by robots controlled remotely by people with reduced mobility. The place seeks to help remove people with reduced mobility from labor and social seclusion. (Camera: FRANCK ROBICHON / MARIA ROLDAN).SHOT LIST: ROBOTS ATTEND CLIENTS AT THE DAWN VER.ß CAFETERIA, IN TOKYO, JAPAN.SOUND BITE: KUSUMI ATSUMI, BUSINESSWOMAN.TRANSLATION: By not having opportunities to communicate with these people, sometimes we feel embarrassed, because we do not know how far we can go asking about their illness. But by investigating, we're allowed to get closer to them. That may allow them to blend into society.

Added on the 02/07/2021 14:00:00 - Copyright : EFE Inglés

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