Home > India records lowest daily Covid-19 cases in 5 months

India records lowest daily Covid-19 cases in 5 months


Chennai / Kolkata / Mumbai / Bangalore, Aug 23 (EFE/EPA).- India recorded Monday just over 25,000 cases of the coronavirus, the lowest figure in five months, after this country of 1.35 billion people became the global epicenter of the pandemic in mid-May, according to the health ministry.With a total of 25,072 confirmed cases in the last 24 hours, India reported the lowest number of infections in 160 days, compared to the record of more than 400,000 cases a day at the peak of the pandemic three months ago. (Camera: ARCHIVE).ARCHIVE FOOTAGE OF THE COVID-19 SITUATION IN THE CITIES OF CHENNAI, KOLKATA, MUMBAI AND BANGALORE, INDIA.

Added on the 23/08/2021 14:00:00 - Copyright : EFE Inglés

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