Added on the 05/04/2023 06:41:40 - Copyright : Auto Moto EN
Darius Bowman, fan de dinosaures, visite la Colo du Crétacé. Les dinosaures parviennent à se libérer et à provoquer un chaos et une destruction indicibles.
The UN rights chief warns that the world needs to change paths to avoid a future filled with military escalation, repression, disinformation, deepening inequality and rampant climate change. "We are at a fork in the road: We can either continue on our current path — a treacherous ‘new normal’ — and sleepwalk into a dystopian future, or we can wake up and turn things around for the better, for humanity and the planet," Volker Turk tells the United Nations Human Rights Council. SOUNDBITE
Peu après avoir fait la connaissance du nouveau président des Etats-Unis Thaddeus Ross, Sam Wilson se retrouve plongé au coeur d'un gigantesque incident international. Dans une lutte acharnée contre la montre, il se retrouve contraint de découvrir la raison de cet infâme complot avant que le véritable cerveau de l'opération ne mette bientôt le monde entier à feu et à sang...
Botswana President Mokgweetsi Masisi shows reporters a massive 2,492-carat diamond -- the second largest in the world -- that was discovered in the north east of the country by a Canadian mining company. IMAGES
Darius Bowman, fan de dinosaures, visite la Colo du Crétacé. Les dinosaures parviennent à se libérer et à provoquer un chaos et une destruction indicibles.
Israel, the United States and the Arab world are under threat from Iran's "axis of terror," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tells lawmakers in a landmark speech before the US Congress. "Our world is in upheaval. In the Middle East, Iran's axis of terror confronts America, Israel and our Arab friends. This is not a clash of civilizations. It's a clash between barbarism and civilization," Netanyahu says. SOUNDBITE