Home > The Volkswagen ID.7 Design Preview in Dark Blue

The Volkswagen ID.7 Design Preview in Dark Blue


Volkswagen is continuing to ramp up the speed of the electrical transformation: the latest hardware and software updates to the ID. family are now set to be followed by the start of series production of the brand new ID.71. The fastback saloon was recently named ‘German Car of the Year 2024’ (www.gcoty.de) by an international jury. And the new Volkswagen not only took first place in the Premium category, but also the overall competition. The winner was selected from all new vehicles presented over the past 12 months. Measuring almost five metres long and equipped with the best convenience features, the ID.7 is a Volkswagen positioned in the upper mid-size vehicle class. Here, it impresses with a new high-efficiency drive, long ranges, quick charging, generous space, a brand new high-tech interior concept and a high quality standard. The ID.7 will be launched around the world. It all starts in Europe: the new Volkswagen can already be ordered here as a 210 kW (286 PS)4 ID.7 Pro with a 77 kWh battery. A World-wide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP) range of up to 6212 kilometres has been calculated for this model. Volkswagen plans to expand the product line’s portfolio further over the coming months. The launch version will be followed by ID.7 models with an even larger battery, a sporty GTX version with all- wheel drive, and an estate version, which will be called Tourer in the ID-7 product line.

Added on the 02/02/2024 06:57:55 - Copyright : Auto Moto EN

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