Home > Lotus Emeya in Fireglow Orange Driving Video in Cold Weather

Lotus Emeya in Fireglow Orange Driving Video in Cold Weather


The Lotus Emeya hyper-GT completed the final stage of a rigorous global test and development programme in one of the world’s harshest environments.Over the winter, the all-electric grand tourer was in Ivalo, Finland, as Lotus engineers conclude their validation work. Around 250km inside the Arctic Circle, temperatures in recent weeks have been as low as -25 degrees Celsius… and still the team has put the car in a local automotive ‘freezer’ to test it to -40 degrees Celsius.It’s the culmination of a stringent three-year test and development programme across 15 countries in two continents1, supported by Lotus’ global engineering teams. It took place on a variety of terrain and conditions; from the UK's challenging B-roads to the smooth and fast-flowing German autobahn, through the highest Alpine passes and the remoteness of Inner Mongolia. Testing also took place at race tracks such as the Nürburgring Nordschleife and at proving grounds like the high-speed loop near the southern Italian town of Nardò.As well as extreme cold, Emeya also endured conditions as high as 40 degrees Celsius in these environments. Additional in-market testing will take place in the Middle East, United States and Australia ahead of deliveries in these markets.

Added on the 13/02/2024 06:30:34 - Copyright : Auto Moto EN

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