Home > Audi e-tron Power electronics e-engine

Audi e-tron Power electronics e-engine


Efficiency, performance and quiet tranquility - the Audi e-tron exemplifies the driving experience of a new technological era. Two electric motors drive the electric SUV powerfully, free of emissions, and almost silently, with a system output of up to 300 kW and 664 Nm (489.7 lb-ft) of torque. The maximum drive torque is available within fractions of a second and provides enormous pulling power. The Audi e-tron completes the standard sprint in 5.7 seconds. Top speed is an electronically-limited 200 km/h (124.3 mph). Animation of the power electronics e-engine of the Audi e-tron.

Added on the 10/10/2019 08:40:29 - Copyright : Auto Moto EN

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